Friday, 28 May 2010

Home/School Task

You should all have received a letter with details of our Home/School Task this week.

Choose a children's bucket to decorate and plant with a flower or shrub. You can be as imaginative as you want. We will be displaying the buckets in our Outdoor Area and Golden Garden.

The completed buckets should be sent to school on Friday 11th June.

Have lots of fun with your children designing the buckets.

After the holiday we will be gearing up for Sports Day. Please send in a pair of daps or trainers that can be used on the field when we are practising. If possible send in a pair that can be left in school during the week and sent home on a Friday.

Hope you all have a fab holiday!


Mrs Burton-Little

Wednesday, 19 May 2010

"Shiver me timbers!"

Class 10 have really enjoyed learning all about Pirates this week.

We have made Pirate hats and old maps. We have been on a treasure hunt and we have role played on the Pirate Ship. We have enjoyed some interesting stories such as 'A New Home for a Pirate' and 'Mungo and the Picture Book Pirates'. We have written about being a Pirate and drawn and painted Pirate portraits. We painted colourful parrots using our hand prints. It has certainly been a busy week!

Well done to Emily for finding out about Pirates on the computer! Thank you Sydney, Martha and Elin for all the Pirate dressing up clothes and treasure you have brought to school!

After half term we will be learning about the seaside in preparation for our trip to Weston and the Aquarium.

Look out next week for a new home/ school task for the half term holidays.

Thank you for all your support

Mrs Burton-Little

Wednesday, 5 May 2010


We are about to begin a mini topic on Pirates. We will be learning about some of the traditions of Pirates, reading some lovely stories including 'A New Home for a Pirate', role playing on our Pirate ship and making lots of exciting Pirate essentials such as hats, money bags, maps, parrots and of course treasure.

To make the most of the learning experiences the topic lends itself to I would be grateful for any dressing up costumes, old costume jewellery, Pirate storybooks or songs on CD or tape.

I would like the children to begin finding out about Pirates over the weekend. Use books or the internet, perhaps visit the library and then bring any information into school next week. It may be a picture of a pirate or a Pirate ship or a few lines describing what they do and the things associated with Pirates.

Enjoy finding out with your child!

Kindest regards

Mrs Burton-Little