Hi, class 10 are settling in very well and are enjoying the activities they have been undertaking so far this term.
A few reminders:
PE is on Thursdays so can all children please bring kit.
Can all children please record and make comments in reading records so that I can monitor progress being made with reading at home.
Please ensure your child has wellies in school for outdoor activities.
We are setting up a materials investigation table in the classroom so any objects from home made of wood, metal, glass or plastic that you don't mind being handled would be much appreciated. These objects will be returned at the end of term.
It would be beneficial to your child if you could continue practsing letter and number formation at home.
Looking forward to our Harvest celebrations next week and thank you all for your support with the Ty Hafan sponsorship.

Tuesday, 11 October 2011
Friday, 9 September 2011
Welcome back!!!
Hi all,
It's lovely to be back at school after being off having my baby. Glad you haven't forgotten me!
It's been a busy week so far settling into the new class. I hope you all received the topic web and information to parents letter so you know what we are up to this term. We would be grateful for anything for our role play and also junk for modelling.
Don't forget PE kits on Thursday and try and get dress yourself each morning as practice!
Enjoy your weekend
Mrs Street
It's lovely to be back at school after being off having my baby. Glad you haven't forgotten me!
It's been a busy week so far settling into the new class. I hope you all received the topic web and information to parents letter so you know what we are up to this term. We would be grateful for anything for our role play and also junk for modelling.
Don't forget PE kits on Thursday and try and get dress yourself each morning as practice!
Enjoy your weekend
Mrs Street
Monday, 25 July 2011
Just a quick note to say a big thank you for all the lovely cards and gifts we recieved last week. It was very kind of you all.
I can't believe we are already saying goodbye to our Reception class. They've been a lovely class and we are going to miss them very much.
Have a fantastic summer and we look forward to seeing you around school in September.
Mrs Morris, Miss Williams and Mrs Ryan x
I can't believe we are already saying goodbye to our Reception class. They've been a lovely class and we are going to miss them very much.
Have a fantastic summer and we look forward to seeing you around school in September.
Mrs Morris, Miss Williams and Mrs Ryan x
Friday, 17 June 2011
As usual we've been very busy in class 11. At the moment we are practising for our sports day inbetween all the rain! We've got our fingers crossed for lots of sunshine next Thursday.
We had a fantastic day last Tuesday at Noah's Ark. The children loved it and did some super work about their favourite things. Top of the list was the giraffe who kicked the zebra and then stuck his tongue out! They also enjoyed the very bumpy tractor ride (despite getting soaked) and watching the tiger at feeding time.
Thank you to everyone who was out bird watching over the half term. The children have painted some lovely pictures of the birds they spotted using watercolours.
Another thank you to those who have sent in plants. We have planted them and are now watching them grow. The children picked our lettuce a couple of weeks ago and made litttle salad bowls for their snack. We are still waiting for the carrots to get bigger so we can pull them up.
I look forward to seeing you all at the school fete tomorrow.
Mrs Morris
As usual we've been very busy in class 11. At the moment we are practising for our sports day inbetween all the rain! We've got our fingers crossed for lots of sunshine next Thursday.
We had a fantastic day last Tuesday at Noah's Ark. The children loved it and did some super work about their favourite things. Top of the list was the giraffe who kicked the zebra and then stuck his tongue out! They also enjoyed the very bumpy tractor ride (despite getting soaked) and watching the tiger at feeding time.
Thank you to everyone who was out bird watching over the half term. The children have painted some lovely pictures of the birds they spotted using watercolours.
Another thank you to those who have sent in plants. We have planted them and are now watching them grow. The children picked our lettuce a couple of weeks ago and made litttle salad bowls for their snack. We are still waiting for the carrots to get bigger so we can pull them up.
I look forward to seeing you all at the school fete tomorrow.
Mrs Morris
Monday, 16 May 2011
The children have settled back into school well after the Easter holidays. I enjoyed listening to all the exciting news they had to tell!
We started the new term with a change. Instead of the children coming into class and sitting down for the register they now come in and self register and then, with a couple of friends, choose a game from the 'wellbeing box'. The games all involve sharing and taking turns and the children seem to love playing them.
We have started our new topic 'In my little garden' by reading the book 'The Very Hungry Caterpillar'. The children have painted some wonderful fruit for our display. We've been finding 1 more/1 less and adding sets of fruits together. We've been learning the days of the week and talking about what we do on different days.
The children are enjoying playing in our campsite outside. They've been sleeping in tents, cooking sausages on the BBQ and buying goodies from the campsite shop!
Unfortunatly, due to the weather, we didn't manage to get to the garden centre on Friday. Hopefully the weather will brighten up soon and we'll take a walk down to the Woodland Walk garden centre to look at the plants.
Look out for your information sheets this week which will tell you about what we're doing in Reception this term.
Mrs Morris
The children have settled back into school well after the Easter holidays. I enjoyed listening to all the exciting news they had to tell!
We started the new term with a change. Instead of the children coming into class and sitting down for the register they now come in and self register and then, with a couple of friends, choose a game from the 'wellbeing box'. The games all involve sharing and taking turns and the children seem to love playing them.
We have started our new topic 'In my little garden' by reading the book 'The Very Hungry Caterpillar'. The children have painted some wonderful fruit for our display. We've been finding 1 more/1 less and adding sets of fruits together. We've been learning the days of the week and talking about what we do on different days.
The children are enjoying playing in our campsite outside. They've been sleeping in tents, cooking sausages on the BBQ and buying goodies from the campsite shop!
Unfortunatly, due to the weather, we didn't manage to get to the garden centre on Friday. Hopefully the weather will brighten up soon and we'll take a walk down to the Woodland Walk garden centre to look at the plants.
Look out for your information sheets this week which will tell you about what we're doing in Reception this term.
Mrs Morris
Friday, 8 April 2011
We had a wonderful time on our trip to Bryngarw Country Park on Wednesday. Weren't we lucky with the weather? The park rangers commented on how well behaved the children were - well done! During the morning the rangers took us on a walk through the fields and woods looking for minibeasts. We were tired after our long walk so were glad to sit down for a picnic before the children had a great time in the park (with a very big slide!)
'I liked looking at the ducks in the pond.' Sophie
'We went to the park. I liked the tyre swings the best.' Isabelle
'I went on the big slide.' Amelia
'We had to pick up pine cones like the squirrels.' Lewis
'The squirrels ate them. They ate them like an apple and left the middle.' Logan
'We had to go across the bridges quietly so we didn't wake the trolls.' Seren G
'The man caught a toad to show us.' Iwan
I've enjoyed looking at all the lovely Easter bonnets that have come in today. The children have obviously enjoyed making them and are very proud of their bonnets. Remember if you haven't made one yet our Grandparents Easter Celebration is on Tuesday so they need to be in Monday.
I hope you all have a lovely weekend and enjoy the sunshine.
See you Monday,
Mrs Morris
We had a wonderful time on our trip to Bryngarw Country Park on Wednesday. Weren't we lucky with the weather? The park rangers commented on how well behaved the children were - well done! During the morning the rangers took us on a walk through the fields and woods looking for minibeasts. We were tired after our long walk so were glad to sit down for a picnic before the children had a great time in the park (with a very big slide!)
'I liked looking at the ducks in the pond.' Sophie
'We went to the park. I liked the tyre swings the best.' Isabelle
'I went on the big slide.' Amelia
'We had to pick up pine cones like the squirrels.' Lewis
'The squirrels ate them. They ate them like an apple and left the middle.' Logan
'We had to go across the bridges quietly so we didn't wake the trolls.' Seren G
'The man caught a toad to show us.' Iwan
I've enjoyed looking at all the lovely Easter bonnets that have come in today. The children have obviously enjoyed making them and are very proud of their bonnets. Remember if you haven't made one yet our Grandparents Easter Celebration is on Tuesday so they need to be in Monday.
I hope you all have a lovely weekend and enjoy the sunshine.
See you Monday,
Mrs Morris
Friday, 25 March 2011
Just a couple of notices.
The Easter fayre is being held on Wednesday 30th March straight after school. The children can come in non school uniform but can they please bring a mothers day gift as a forfeit.
We've had a couple of items of clothing getting muddled up on PE days recently and jumpers going missing. Can you please make sure your child's name is on all their clothes to make it easier for us to ensure that they bring their own things home.
It was great to see everyone last week at the parent/teacher meetings.
I hope you all enjoy the long weekend. See you Tuesday.
Mrs Morris
Just a couple of notices.
The Easter fayre is being held on Wednesday 30th March straight after school. The children can come in non school uniform but can they please bring a mothers day gift as a forfeit.
We've had a couple of items of clothing getting muddled up on PE days recently and jumpers going missing. Can you please make sure your child's name is on all their clothes to make it easier for us to ensure that they bring their own things home.
It was great to see everyone last week at the parent/teacher meetings.
I hope you all enjoy the long weekend. See you Tuesday.
Mrs Morris
Friday, 18 March 2011
Class 11 have had a lovely couple of weeks and we've been making the most of this nice weather we've been having. The children have enjoyed working and playing outside, especially in the pirate ship!
The children have worked hard to prepare our planting beds. They had to pull out all the weeds and turn the soil ready to plant our seeds. We're hoping to have some delicious carrots and lettuce by the summer!
Sophie's mum kindly bought us in some frogspawn which the children have been watching very carefully. We now have lots of tadpoles and if you look through a magnifying glass you can see their legs are growing. We can't wait for them to turn into frogs!
The childen learnt a lot about christenings last week during our school RE week and particularly enjoyed the trip to church to take part in our own chrstening. Rev. Parkinson taught us lots about christenings and Tia and Charlie made excellent Godparents to Ava Ruby! The children also wrote invitations, made christening cards and stained glass windows.
Enjoy your weekend and I look forward to seeing you all next week for teacher/parents meetings.
Mrs Morris
The children have worked hard to prepare our planting beds. They had to pull out all the weeds and turn the soil ready to plant our seeds. We're hoping to have some delicious carrots and lettuce by the summer!
Sophie's mum kindly bought us in some frogspawn which the children have been watching very carefully. We now have lots of tadpoles and if you look through a magnifying glass you can see their legs are growing. We can't wait for them to turn into frogs!
The childen learnt a lot about christenings last week during our school RE week and particularly enjoyed the trip to church to take part in our own chrstening. Rev. Parkinson taught us lots about christenings and Tia and Charlie made excellent Godparents to Ava Ruby! The children also wrote invitations, made christening cards and stained glass windows.
Enjoy your weekend and I look forward to seeing you all next week for teacher/parents meetings.
Mrs Morris
Monday, 7 March 2011
I just wanted to say a big WELL DONE to all of class 11, who did such a fantastic job in the Eisteddfod on Friday. They listened really well to all the different songs and poems that were performed by the rest of the school. They were all very brave standing on the stage to sing 'Hicori Dicori Doc' and to recite 'Dyma Mami' especially the children who did it all by themselves!
Thank you also for the brilliant welsh souvenirs that the children made. They enjoyed showing these to the class and explaining how they made them. They are now on display around the school for everyone to admire!
This week we are going to be learning about christenings. If your child has any photos, cards etc. of their christening or a christening they have been to we would love to see them.
Many thanks,
Mrs. Morris
Thank you also for the brilliant welsh souvenirs that the children made. They enjoyed showing these to the class and explaining how they made them. They are now on display around the school for everyone to admire!
This week we are going to be learning about christenings. If your child has any photos, cards etc. of their christening or a christening they have been to we would love to see them.
Many thanks,
Mrs. Morris
Friday, 18 February 2011
Well, it's the end of another busy half term and I know the children are looking forward to a well deserved break. We've had a lovely couple of weeks and have enjoyed reading the book 'Where's my teddy?' which is full of rhyming words! The children were very clever, trying to think of their own.
Our toy shop has been very popular and the children have enjoyed being the shop keeper, writing tags and selling the toys to the customers. We've been trying to find the right coins to pay for the toys.
In preparation for the Eisteddfod next half term we've been learning a welsh song and poem which I'm sure your child would love to sing to you for a bit of extra practise!
I hope you all have a lovely half term and enjoy making your welsh souvenirs.
See you soon,
Mrs Morris
Well, it's the end of another busy half term and I know the children are looking forward to a well deserved break. We've had a lovely couple of weeks and have enjoyed reading the book 'Where's my teddy?' which is full of rhyming words! The children were very clever, trying to think of their own.
Our toy shop has been very popular and the children have enjoyed being the shop keeper, writing tags and selling the toys to the customers. We've been trying to find the right coins to pay for the toys.
In preparation for the Eisteddfod next half term we've been learning a welsh song and poem which I'm sure your child would love to sing to you for a bit of extra practise!
I hope you all have a lovely half term and enjoy making your welsh souvenirs.
See you soon,
Mrs Morris
Thursday, 20 January 2011
The children have settled back into school well this term and we've had great fun beginning our topic 'Toys and Bears'. We've been reading the book 'We're Going on a Bear Hunt' which the children have loved. We've turned our role play area into a bear cave and the children have been having fun dressing up as the bear or searching for him using their torches and binoculars! They have made puppets and have been very clever retelling the story. We even went on a bear hunt this week and got very messy following a map through the forest, the river and lots of mud until we discovered a bear hiding in the cave! The children wrote about their adventures when we returned.
We have also been looking at new and old bears. We have been looking at the similarities and differences and drawing pictures of the bears. Thank you for any bears that have been sent in.
The children have been very clever and have started to learn some of the names of 3D shapes. They enjoyed painting with them, finding out which ones they could roll and which ones they couldn't.
I'm very pleased with how well the children are doing with their reading folders. Please remember to return these on your child's reading day and also their bag by Thursday so that we can send home any work. Also please remember to send your child's P.E. kit on a Monday.
Many thanks,
Mrs Morris
The children have settled back into school well this term and we've had great fun beginning our topic 'Toys and Bears'. We've been reading the book 'We're Going on a Bear Hunt' which the children have loved. We've turned our role play area into a bear cave and the children have been having fun dressing up as the bear or searching for him using their torches and binoculars! They have made puppets and have been very clever retelling the story. We even went on a bear hunt this week and got very messy following a map through the forest, the river and lots of mud until we discovered a bear hiding in the cave! The children wrote about their adventures when we returned.
We have also been looking at new and old bears. We have been looking at the similarities and differences and drawing pictures of the bears. Thank you for any bears that have been sent in.
The children have been very clever and have started to learn some of the names of 3D shapes. They enjoyed painting with them, finding out which ones they could roll and which ones they couldn't.
I'm very pleased with how well the children are doing with their reading folders. Please remember to return these on your child's reading day and also their bag by Thursday so that we can send home any work. Also please remember to send your child's P.E. kit on a Monday.
Many thanks,
Mrs Morris
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