The children have settled back into school well this term and we've had great fun beginning our topic 'Toys and Bears'. We've been reading the book 'We're Going on a Bear Hunt' which the children have loved. We've turned our role play area into a bear cave and the children have been having fun dressing up as the bear or searching for him using their torches and binoculars! They have made puppets and have been very clever retelling the story. We even went on a bear hunt this week and got very messy following a map through the forest, the river and lots of mud until we discovered a bear hiding in the cave! The children wrote about their adventures when we returned.
We have also been looking at new and old bears. We have been looking at the similarities and differences and drawing pictures of the bears. Thank you for any bears that have been sent in.
The children have been very clever and have started to learn some of the names of 3D shapes. They enjoyed painting with them, finding out which ones they could roll and which ones they couldn't.
I'm very pleased with how well the children are doing with their reading folders. Please remember to return these on your child's reading day and also their bag by Thursday so that we can send home any work. Also please remember to send your child's P.E. kit on a Monday.
Many thanks,
Mrs Morris