Sunday, 16 September 2012

Ble wyt ti'n byw?

Hi all,

 I hope you had a lovely summer!
Welcome to the Year One class. The children have settled in really well and are getting used to the new routines and classroom.

I'm sure you have all read the letter we sent out about the term ahead of us. If you have any queries please call in and see me. Our topic is 'Ble wyt ti'n byw?'  We have already started to look at our topic and describe lots of different type houses.  We have designed our own houses, using different shapes in maths.  We have set up an old style cottage n our role play, which the children are enjoying.
Can i remind you that PE day is a Thursday and that children need to bring a pair of wellies to school as we will be starting Forest School shortly.

We have a fun term ahead of us!

Bye for now!

Mrs Street and Mrs Ryan