What an end to the term! I can't believe how much snow we've had today. I hope you are all enjoying yourselves, building snowmen and throwing snowballs! Have fun!
We've had a lovely last couple of weeks of term and I'm sure you'll all agree that the children did brilliantly in their concert. We are very proud of them all. Thank you again parents for the costumes you sent in and for helping your children with their words.
Another big thank you for all our lovely Christmas presents. It was really kind of you.
What a shame we didn't see all of you this week, but I hope those of you that have been off poorly are feeling much better now.
Finally, but most importantly, have a very MERRY CHRISTMAS and a HAPPY NEW YEAR! We look forward to seeing you all in January.
Mrs Morris, Miss Williams and Mrs Ryan

Friday, 17 December 2010
Thursday, 2 December 2010
Well, what a busy couple of weeks we've been having in Reception! The children have been working really hard on their Christmas concert. I'm sure Mums and Dads can't wait to watch it! Thank you for all the costumes we've had in so far, we're looking forward to trying them out tomorrow!
We're starting to feel very Christmassy now, especially with all this snow! Thank you for the empty jars that have been sent in which the children have decorated and turned into Christmas tea light holders. They have also been busy making Christmas cards, hats, tree decorations and writing letters to Father Christmas. Our classroom is looking lovely!
I looking forward to seeing you all at the concert next week.
Mrs Morris
We're starting to feel very Christmassy now, especially with all this snow! Thank you for the empty jars that have been sent in which the children have decorated and turned into Christmas tea light holders. They have also been busy making Christmas cards, hats, tree decorations and writing letters to Father Christmas. Our classroom is looking lovely!
I looking forward to seeing you all at the concert next week.
Mrs Morris
Friday, 12 November 2010
I've had a great first week in class 11. The children have been lovely and have made me feel very welcome.
It's been a very busy week as we continue with the topic 'All About Me'. We've made a good start with our Christmas concert, learning lots of new songs. Some children have words to learn for the concert, which went home tonight, so please practise these at home whenever possible.
I'm looking forward to the next few months with class 11. If you have any questions or problems, please feel free to pop in after school to speak to me.
Enjoy you weekend.
Mrs Morris
It's been a very busy week as we continue with the topic 'All About Me'. We've made a good start with our Christmas concert, learning lots of new songs. Some children have words to learn for the concert, which went home tonight, so please practise these at home whenever possible.
I'm looking forward to the next few months with class 11. If you have any questions or problems, please feel free to pop in after school to speak to me.
Enjoy you weekend.
Mrs Morris
Monday, 11 October 2010
Harvest time!
We have had such a busy time in school since September and the next two weeks are going to be full of lots of lovely activities!
We are learning lots of Harvest songs in readiness for our Harvest Festival and Coffee Afternoon. We hope you can come and listen to our performance on Tuesday 19th October!
We have our school trip next Monday and can't wait to visit the farm. Don't forget coats and packed lunches.
The PTA Parties are also on Tuesday after school.
Thank you to everyone for sending the school bags back in every Monday. It makes it much easier to send the children's work home once a week rather than every day.
Mrs Burton-Little
We are learning lots of Harvest songs in readiness for our Harvest Festival and Coffee Afternoon. We hope you can come and listen to our performance on Tuesday 19th October!
We have our school trip next Monday and can't wait to visit the farm. Don't forget coats and packed lunches.
The PTA Parties are also on Tuesday after school.
Thank you to everyone for sending the school bags back in every Monday. It makes it much easier to send the children's work home once a week rather than every day.
Mrs Burton-Little
Wednesday, 8 September 2010
Welcome back to school!
I hope you have all enjoyed a lovely summer holiday and are excited to be back in school ready to learn lots of new things.
We have had a busy start to the term as the children get to know all the new members of staff who will be working with them this year and get used to their new classroom and area. It's all very exciting!
Mrs Ryan has joined our team this term and will be working alongside Miss Williams who is our classroom assistant and Mrs Channon and Miss Brush.
I hope you all received our Parent information letter and termly planning yesterday and that this will help to keep you informed about your child's learning this term.
Don't forget I am always available if you need to make an appointment for the end of the school day to discuss anything.
Good luck to all the children in Class 11 during their year in Reception, I am sure they will all be happy and successful!
Mrs Burton-Little
We have had a busy start to the term as the children get to know all the new members of staff who will be working with them this year and get used to their new classroom and area. It's all very exciting!
Mrs Ryan has joined our team this term and will be working alongside Miss Williams who is our classroom assistant and Mrs Channon and Miss Brush.
I hope you all received our Parent information letter and termly planning yesterday and that this will help to keep you informed about your child's learning this term.
Don't forget I am always available if you need to make an appointment for the end of the school day to discuss anything.
Good luck to all the children in Class 11 during their year in Reception, I am sure they will all be happy and successful!
Mrs Burton-Little
Wednesday, 14 July 2010
Well done Class 10!
It's nearly time for the pupils of Class 10 to move on and I will certainly miss them! They have all had a very successful year growing up, becoming more independent and sharing lots of new experiences and I am sure they will continue to do well in Year 1!
I hope you all have a very happy holiday. Let's hope the sun shines on us! Stay safe and I will see you all in September!
Take care everyone!
Mrs Burton-Little
I hope you all have a very happy holiday. Let's hope the sun shines on us! Stay safe and I will see you all in September!
Take care everyone!
Mrs Burton-Little
Friday, 28 May 2010
Home/School Task
You should all have received a letter with details of our Home/School Task this week.
Choose a children's bucket to decorate and plant with a flower or shrub. You can be as imaginative as you want. We will be displaying the buckets in our Outdoor Area and Golden Garden.
The completed buckets should be sent to school on Friday 11th June.
Have lots of fun with your children designing the buckets.
After the holiday we will be gearing up for Sports Day. Please send in a pair of daps or trainers that can be used on the field when we are practising. If possible send in a pair that can be left in school during the week and sent home on a Friday.
Hope you all have a fab holiday!
Mrs Burton-Little
Choose a children's bucket to decorate and plant with a flower or shrub. You can be as imaginative as you want. We will be displaying the buckets in our Outdoor Area and Golden Garden.
The completed buckets should be sent to school on Friday 11th June.
Have lots of fun with your children designing the buckets.
After the holiday we will be gearing up for Sports Day. Please send in a pair of daps or trainers that can be used on the field when we are practising. If possible send in a pair that can be left in school during the week and sent home on a Friday.
Hope you all have a fab holiday!
Mrs Burton-Little
Wednesday, 19 May 2010
"Shiver me timbers!"
Class 10 have really enjoyed learning all about Pirates this week.
We have made Pirate hats and old maps. We have been on a treasure hunt and we have role played on the Pirate Ship. We have enjoyed some interesting stories such as 'A New Home for a Pirate' and 'Mungo and the Picture Book Pirates'. We have written about being a Pirate and drawn and painted Pirate portraits. We painted colourful parrots using our hand prints. It has certainly been a busy week!
Well done to Emily for finding out about Pirates on the computer! Thank you Sydney, Martha and Elin for all the Pirate dressing up clothes and treasure you have brought to school!
After half term we will be learning about the seaside in preparation for our trip to Weston and the Aquarium.
Look out next week for a new home/ school task for the half term holidays.
Thank you for all your support
Mrs Burton-Little
We have made Pirate hats and old maps. We have been on a treasure hunt and we have role played on the Pirate Ship. We have enjoyed some interesting stories such as 'A New Home for a Pirate' and 'Mungo and the Picture Book Pirates'. We have written about being a Pirate and drawn and painted Pirate portraits. We painted colourful parrots using our hand prints. It has certainly been a busy week!
Well done to Emily for finding out about Pirates on the computer! Thank you Sydney, Martha and Elin for all the Pirate dressing up clothes and treasure you have brought to school!
After half term we will be learning about the seaside in preparation for our trip to Weston and the Aquarium.
Look out next week for a new home/ school task for the half term holidays.
Thank you for all your support
Mrs Burton-Little
Wednesday, 5 May 2010
We are about to begin a mini topic on Pirates. We will be learning about some of the traditions of Pirates, reading some lovely stories including 'A New Home for a Pirate', role playing on our Pirate ship and making lots of exciting Pirate essentials such as hats, money bags, maps, parrots and of course treasure.
To make the most of the learning experiences the topic lends itself to I would be grateful for any dressing up costumes, old costume jewellery, Pirate storybooks or songs on CD or tape.
I would like the children to begin finding out about Pirates over the weekend. Use books or the internet, perhaps visit the library and then bring any information into school next week. It may be a picture of a pirate or a Pirate ship or a few lines describing what they do and the things associated with Pirates.
Enjoy finding out with your child!
Kindest regards
Mrs Burton-Little
To make the most of the learning experiences the topic lends itself to I would be grateful for any dressing up costumes, old costume jewellery, Pirate storybooks or songs on CD or tape.
I would like the children to begin finding out about Pirates over the weekend. Use books or the internet, perhaps visit the library and then bring any information into school next week. It may be a picture of a pirate or a Pirate ship or a few lines describing what they do and the things associated with Pirates.
Enjoy finding out with your child!
Kindest regards
Mrs Burton-Little
Thursday, 22 April 2010
Africa Week!
We have had a very busy time in school since returning from the Easter holidays. Africa week has been a great success thanks to Mrs Decaro and Mrs Dobbins who have organised some excellent events for the children to experience. We have been to an African Drumming class and listened to an African Storyteller. In class we are making African animal masks and African Jewellery. We have created collages of an African mud hut. We have used our library to find out all about animals from Africa. Did you know that an elephant can weigh as much as 7 cars? Cory found this out for us! Ask your child about our story Handa's Surprise, can they retell the story to you? We had great fun tasting the fruits from the story. We liked the mango, tangerines and passion fruit but the avacado didn't go down quite so well!
Next week we will be concentrating on 'Growing Things'. We are already growing Potatoes in our Golden Garden with help from Mrs Honey. Class 10, 9 and 8 are competeing to grow the biggest potatoe and to see who can harvest the most potatoes. We will be planting shrubs in our new planters, growing cress, planting beanstalks and hunting for minibeasts. If you would like to donate any shrubs, seeds or compost to our garden please do, we are always grateful for anything we can use in school.
You will receive a topic web and information sheet this week with details of the summer term. We are looking for holiday clothes, suitcases, bedding etc. for our Hotel Role play and anything linked to the seaside which the children can sell in our Beachside souvenir shop.
I would like every child to bring a smooth pebble into school so that they can decorate them later in the term.
Thank you all for helping us make the changes to entering and leaving our Area so smooth. The children in Class 10 are very grown up now!
Mrs Burton-Little
Next week we will be concentrating on 'Growing Things'. We are already growing Potatoes in our Golden Garden with help from Mrs Honey. Class 10, 9 and 8 are competeing to grow the biggest potatoe and to see who can harvest the most potatoes. We will be planting shrubs in our new planters, growing cress, planting beanstalks and hunting for minibeasts. If you would like to donate any shrubs, seeds or compost to our garden please do, we are always grateful for anything we can use in school.
You will receive a topic web and information sheet this week with details of the summer term. We are looking for holiday clothes, suitcases, bedding etc. for our Hotel Role play and anything linked to the seaside which the children can sell in our Beachside souvenir shop.
I would like every child to bring a smooth pebble into school so that they can decorate them later in the term.
Thank you all for helping us make the changes to entering and leaving our Area so smooth. The children in Class 10 are very grown up now!
Mrs Burton-Little
Thursday, 25 March 2010
Thank you all!
Thank you all so much for attending our Coffee Afternoon yesterday and for the effort you all put into making such fabulous bonnets! I am sure you will agree that the children performed beautifully.
Thanks to all the staff who helped organise the event, to Martha's Mum for making such delicious cakes and Oliver's Mum for selling raffle tickets. We have raised over £100 which will be used to enhance our outdoor area.
If you would like to order an Easter class photograph go to the school foyer to place your order and pay by Friday.
Our patchwork, which was on display in the hall, is another big success and a good example of everyone working together!
The holidays are almost upon us and I'm sure everybody is ready for a good rest! When we get back to school on Tuesday 13th April we will be studying a mini topic on Africa for two weeks, so if you come across anything which will be useful please bring to school!
Enjoy the holiday and all the chocolate eggs!
Mrs Burton-Little
Thanks to all the staff who helped organise the event, to Martha's Mum for making such delicious cakes and Oliver's Mum for selling raffle tickets. We have raised over £100 which will be used to enhance our outdoor area.
If you would like to order an Easter class photograph go to the school foyer to place your order and pay by Friday.
Our patchwork, which was on display in the hall, is another big success and a good example of everyone working together!
The holidays are almost upon us and I'm sure everybody is ready for a good rest! When we get back to school on Tuesday 13th April we will be studying a mini topic on Africa for two weeks, so if you come across anything which will be useful please bring to school!
Enjoy the holiday and all the chocolate eggs!
Mrs Burton-Little
Friday, 19 March 2010
Newport Wetlands!
We had a great time at Newport Wetlands today. We all took part in bird watching, pond dipping and a minibeast hunt, luckily the rain held off until lunchtime. The whole class were very well behaved and a credit to Maesybryn.
Thankyou to everyone who came along to the Easter Fair yesterday!
Don't forget to bring your Easter Bonnets to school on Monday and Mums and Dads come along to our Coffee Afternoon at 3pm on Wednesday!
We look forward to seeing you there!
Mrs Burton-Little
Thankyou to everyone who came along to the Easter Fair yesterday!
Don't forget to bring your Easter Bonnets to school on Monday and Mums and Dads come along to our Coffee Afternoon at 3pm on Wednesday!
We look forward to seeing you there!
Mrs Burton-Little
Wednesday, 10 March 2010
Happy Mother's Day
Class 10 wish all our Mum's a very happy Mother's Day! We've been busy putting the finishing touches to our cards and gifts this week. All the children are very proud of their efforts and can't wait to give you their special presents on Sunday.
We've already started working on our Easter songs and poems ready for our Coffee afternoon on Wednesday 24th March at 3.00pm. You are all welcome to join us for a little performance and an Easter bonnet parade. We will be selling refreshments, including cakes baked by the children along with raffle tickets and hope to raise some money for our Outdoor Area with a view to having some safety flooring installed. We look forward to seeing you all there!
Don't forget to work on our Home/School Task. I can't wait to see your Easter bonnets when you bring them to school on Monday 22nd March. Some children will be going to the local Older People's Residential Home to show their bonnets and sing a song.
You have probably noticed some of the changes already made to our Outdoor Area. The children are really enjoying all the new experiences, particularly the Pizza Parlour which is located in our new shed. We hope to continue developing the space over the coming months.
Enjoy the sunshine!
Mrs Burton-Little
We've already started working on our Easter songs and poems ready for our Coffee afternoon on Wednesday 24th March at 3.00pm. You are all welcome to join us for a little performance and an Easter bonnet parade. We will be selling refreshments, including cakes baked by the children along with raffle tickets and hope to raise some money for our Outdoor Area with a view to having some safety flooring installed. We look forward to seeing you all there!
Don't forget to work on our Home/School Task. I can't wait to see your Easter bonnets when you bring them to school on Monday 22nd March. Some children will be going to the local Older People's Residential Home to show their bonnets and sing a song.
You have probably noticed some of the changes already made to our Outdoor Area. The children are really enjoying all the new experiences, particularly the Pizza Parlour which is located in our new shed. We hope to continue developing the space over the coming months.
Enjoy the sunshine!
Mrs Burton-Little
Friday, 5 March 2010
Dydd Gwyl Dewi hapus!
We have had a lovely week in school. Our Eisteddfod on Monday was a great success. Well done Corey and Maryel who won the Song and Poem competitions for Reception. The chairing ceremony took place today. We enjoyed singing a medley of welsh songs and watching some welsh folk dancing.
As you have probably noticed we are working hard to develop our outdoor area. We now have a welly store so you can send wellies into school for us to use throughout the term. The purchase of wet weather suits for the children means we can now be outside even in the rain and snow! It's great for splashing in puddles and squelching in mud!
Don't forget to collect your sponsorship money for the NSPCC and return it to school in the envelope provided by Wednesday 10th March. We were all outside this afternoon participating in lots of fun activities with beanbags, skipping ropes and scoops and balls. We had great fun and all the children scored 100 points for their sponsored activity. Bendigedig!
Enjoy the weekend!
Mrs Burton-Little
As you have probably noticed we are working hard to develop our outdoor area. We now have a welly store so you can send wellies into school for us to use throughout the term. The purchase of wet weather suits for the children means we can now be outside even in the rain and snow! It's great for splashing in puddles and squelching in mud!
Don't forget to collect your sponsorship money for the NSPCC and return it to school in the envelope provided by Wednesday 10th March. We were all outside this afternoon participating in lots of fun activities with beanbags, skipping ropes and scoops and balls. We had great fun and all the children scored 100 points for their sponsored activity. Bendigedig!
Enjoy the weekend!
Mrs Burton-Little
Thursday, 25 February 2010
St David's Day
Welcome back everyone! Well done to Emily who was our Star of the Week! I wonder who it will be this week?
I hope everyone made the most of the half term break! Our Home/School Task has been very successful. We are really enjoying looking at and talking about the models which are arriving in school every day. Adam and Daniel have made a Big Pit and a Castle which are displayed in our classroom, they are so detailed, well done! Emily's welsh lady looks just like her! Anisha made Castell Coch with beautiful turrets! Miah modelled a delicate welsh lovespoon from clay!
Don't forget our Eisteddfod on Monday. All of Class 10 will be taking part on the stage performing a welsh song 'Ble mae bawdyn?' and poem 'Dysgu Cyfri'. We have been working very hard on our entries. Wear your welsh costumes to school.
Diolch yn fawr
Mrs Burton-Little
I hope everyone made the most of the half term break! Our Home/School Task has been very successful. We are really enjoying looking at and talking about the models which are arriving in school every day. Adam and Daniel have made a Big Pit and a Castle which are displayed in our classroom, they are so detailed, well done! Emily's welsh lady looks just like her! Anisha made Castell Coch with beautiful turrets! Miah modelled a delicate welsh lovespoon from clay!
Don't forget our Eisteddfod on Monday. All of Class 10 will be taking part on the stage performing a welsh song 'Ble mae bawdyn?' and poem 'Dysgu Cyfri'. We have been working very hard on our entries. Wear your welsh costumes to school.
Diolch yn fawr
Mrs Burton-Little
Thursday, 4 February 2010
Seren yr Wythnos!
Well done to Elin Groves who is our Star of the Week. She has tried hard this week to be a good friend to her classmates and has been very kind today.
The staff in Area 3 have been very busy this week developing a sensory area and listening area for our children to experience. We hope to model use of these areas next week before the children will be free to explore the sights, sounds and smells. If you would like to donate anything such as lights, cushions, cds (featuring calming music)etc. please feel free to do so.
Enjoy the weekend
Mrs Burton-Little
The staff in Area 3 have been very busy this week developing a sensory area and listening area for our children to experience. We hope to model use of these areas next week before the children will be free to explore the sights, sounds and smells. If you would like to donate anything such as lights, cushions, cds (featuring calming music)etc. please feel free to do so.
Enjoy the weekend
Mrs Burton-Little
Wednesday, 3 February 2010
Class 10 are really enjoying learning to read! We love books and listening to a story is one of our favourite things to do. We have recently started a buddy reading initiative between Reception and Year 6 pupils. Twice a week we meet with our Year 6 partners to share story books. All the children are really enthusiastic and look forward to the sessions and the Year 6 pupils are enjoying taking on this responsibility. We hope to foster a love of books to all our pupils.
Thanks to everyone who has sent in junk materials and bottle tops for our mosaic, we need lots more so keep them coming!
I hope you are all working on your Home/School Task. I look forward to seeing your models after half term, they will make a super display for St David's Day.
We are very lucky to have a Panto in school on Friday afternoon. A theatre group are performing Cinderella for us. Class 10 are looking forward to the show!
Keep up all the good work
Mrs Burton-Little
Thanks to everyone who has sent in junk materials and bottle tops for our mosaic, we need lots more so keep them coming!
I hope you are all working on your Home/School Task. I look forward to seeing your models after half term, they will make a super display for St David's Day.
We are very lucky to have a Panto in school on Friday afternoon. A theatre group are performing Cinderella for us. Class 10 are looking forward to the show!
Keep up all the good work
Mrs Burton-Little
Saturday, 30 January 2010
Reduce Reuse Recycle!
What a busy week we have had in Class 10!
Congratulations to Katie Davies who is our new Eco Schools Council member! Katie is going to try and keep our school environment clean and tidy so that we can all enjoy it. The children in Class 10 came up with lots of great ideas on how we can become a greener school and help to look after our precious world. I am very proud of them! We will be making more bird feeders this week to encourage the birds to our school grounds. We have already started recycling our paper and plastic in class. Thanks for all the junk! Keep sending it into school because we are really enjoying making all sorts of things. This week Ben made a house and Lucy made a pair of binoculars! We also need bottle tops for our mosaic.
Well done to everyone for wearing the Ugandan colours yesterday and paying your forfeit. The money will be put to good use by Mrs Decaro and Mrs Dobbins and will enable them to buy lots of things for the children they are visiting in Mbale. Look out for the photo of us making the flag!
Star of the Week was Amelia Day who is always very polite. Congratulations Amelia!
This week we have been learning lots of 'r' words. Next week's letter sound is 'm', can you think of some 'm' words?
We now have our listening area set up in the library. We used some Busy Bee money to buy a listening centre with six sets of headphones. Maryel, Anisha and Karah tried it out yesterday and really enjoyed the experience.
Keep collecting Flora Cooking with Schools tokens. They can be registered easily online or brought into school and will help us get free cooking equipment. We all love cooking in Class 10 and will be making porridge and welsh cakes in the next few weeks.
On Monday afternoon we are going on a walk around the local area. We will be looking at different types of houses. I wonder if we can find a detached house, a semi-detached house, a bungalow and a flat on the estate.
Bring in your photos of your homes for our display and keep thinking about your Home/School task!
See you on Monday!
Mrs Burton-Little
Congratulations to Katie Davies who is our new Eco Schools Council member! Katie is going to try and keep our school environment clean and tidy so that we can all enjoy it. The children in Class 10 came up with lots of great ideas on how we can become a greener school and help to look after our precious world. I am very proud of them! We will be making more bird feeders this week to encourage the birds to our school grounds. We have already started recycling our paper and plastic in class. Thanks for all the junk! Keep sending it into school because we are really enjoying making all sorts of things. This week Ben made a house and Lucy made a pair of binoculars! We also need bottle tops for our mosaic.
Well done to everyone for wearing the Ugandan colours yesterday and paying your forfeit. The money will be put to good use by Mrs Decaro and Mrs Dobbins and will enable them to buy lots of things for the children they are visiting in Mbale. Look out for the photo of us making the flag!
Star of the Week was Amelia Day who is always very polite. Congratulations Amelia!
This week we have been learning lots of 'r' words. Next week's letter sound is 'm', can you think of some 'm' words?
We now have our listening area set up in the library. We used some Busy Bee money to buy a listening centre with six sets of headphones. Maryel, Anisha and Karah tried it out yesterday and really enjoyed the experience.
Keep collecting Flora Cooking with Schools tokens. They can be registered easily online or brought into school and will help us get free cooking equipment. We all love cooking in Class 10 and will be making porridge and welsh cakes in the next few weeks.
On Monday afternoon we are going on a walk around the local area. We will be looking at different types of houses. I wonder if we can find a detached house, a semi-detached house, a bungalow and a flat on the estate.
Bring in your photos of your homes for our display and keep thinking about your Home/School task!
See you on Monday!
Mrs Burton-Little
Thursday, 21 January 2010
Home/ School Tasks!
Hopefully you have all received your Information Sheet this week, if not please let me know so that I can send one home.
Don't forget we are collecting items for the Maesybryn Travel Agents along with lots of junk so that we can start model making.
Area 3 are going to produce a mosaic design this half term for a display using bottle tops - any size, shape, colour and material can be used so please start collecting and bring them to school.
Our Home/ School Task for the Autumn Term was very successfully. You all produced fabulous designs on your fabric! These are currently being sewn together to create a patchwork effect and will hopefully be used to make curtains for our school hall.
We will be setting a new task in the next week so look out for information coming soon.
Kind regards
Mrs Burton-Little
Don't forget we are collecting items for the Maesybryn Travel Agents along with lots of junk so that we can start model making.
Area 3 are going to produce a mosaic design this half term for a display using bottle tops - any size, shape, colour and material can be used so please start collecting and bring them to school.
Our Home/ School Task for the Autumn Term was very successfully. You all produced fabulous designs on your fabric! These are currently being sewn together to create a patchwork effect and will hopefully be used to make curtains for our school hall.
We will be setting a new task in the next week so look out for information coming soon.
Kind regards
Mrs Burton-Little
Wednesday, 13 January 2010
Our Theme
This term we will be learning about Our Precious World. Class 10 will be concentrating on Homes and Our Local Area. There will be lots of opportunities for us to be creative and carry out investigations. We will be using Goldilocks and the Three Bears and The Three Little Pigs as our class stories and will be exploring different versions of the stories. Please feel free to bring copies of the stories to school to add to our collection. We also have lots to look forward to with our Eisteddfod competitions over the coming weeks.
A class news letter will be on its way to you soon with lots more information on how you can help assist your child's learning at home.
Mrs Burton-Little
A class news letter will be on its way to you soon with lots more information on how you can help assist your child's learning at home.
Mrs Burton-Little
Happy New Year!
It was great to see you all back in school this week! Everybody made a great effort to get there so well done to you all!
The snow has returned once again so enjoy it if you can. I'm sure there will be lots more snowmen built and maybe even some igloos this time! Bring your photographs when we return to school and share your snowy adventure with the class.
Don't forget your homework and keep up with your reading books and keywords. If you are looking for something new after the long holiday sharing storybooks and encouraging your child to join in and identify the words they now recognise will help keep them interested in their reading.
See you all soon.
Mrs Burton-Little
The snow has returned once again so enjoy it if you can. I'm sure there will be lots more snowmen built and maybe even some igloos this time! Bring your photographs when we return to school and share your snowy adventure with the class.
Don't forget your homework and keep up with your reading books and keywords. If you are looking for something new after the long holiday sharing storybooks and encouraging your child to join in and identify the words they now recognise will help keep them interested in their reading.
See you all soon.
Mrs Burton-Little
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