Saturday, 30 January 2010

Reduce Reuse Recycle!

What a busy week we have had in Class 10!

Congratulations to Katie Davies who is our new Eco Schools Council member! Katie is going to try and keep our school environment clean and tidy so that we can all enjoy it. The children in Class 10 came up with lots of great ideas on how we can become a greener school and help to look after our precious world. I am very proud of them! We will be making more bird feeders this week to encourage the birds to our school grounds. We have already started recycling our paper and plastic in class. Thanks for all the junk! Keep sending it into school because we are really enjoying making all sorts of things. This week Ben made a house and Lucy made a pair of binoculars! We also need bottle tops for our mosaic.

Well done to everyone for wearing the Ugandan colours yesterday and paying your forfeit. The money will be put to good use by Mrs Decaro and Mrs Dobbins and will enable them to buy lots of things for the children they are visiting in Mbale. Look out for the photo of us making the flag!

Star of the Week was Amelia Day who is always very polite. Congratulations Amelia!

This week we have been learning lots of 'r' words. Next week's letter sound is 'm', can you think of some 'm' words?

We now have our listening area set up in the library. We used some Busy Bee money to buy a listening centre with six sets of headphones. Maryel, Anisha and Karah tried it out yesterday and really enjoyed the experience.

Keep collecting Flora Cooking with Schools tokens. They can be registered easily online or brought into school and will help us get free cooking equipment. We all love cooking in Class 10 and will be making porridge and welsh cakes in the next few weeks.

On Monday afternoon we are going on a walk around the local area. We will be looking at different types of houses. I wonder if we can find a detached house, a semi-detached house, a bungalow and a flat on the estate.

Bring in your photos of your homes for our display and keep thinking about your Home/School task!

See you on Monday!

Mrs Burton-Little

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